最后更新2023-10-31 16:14
电话:+ 86 18098919514
QQ: 1036188723
MYY Dental in brief
Over 5+ years of existence in the dental industry
Export to 20+ countries globally
50+ certified technicians in our lab
Latest technologies are used for your dental work
5 years of warranty
5-6 days turnaround time for most cases
about Us
So far, we’ve been representing clients from North America, Europe, and elsewhere. Thousands of dentists have learned from us in terms of restoring oral hygiene and smiling to their patients.
Standard Dental Lab in Shenzhen China has expanded into a highly specialized dental provider, with 100% of our work being shipped overseas, primarily to developing countries. With a large workshop and an enormous capacity to process dental cases every month, we are able to provide the same treatment for overseas dental laboratories and individual dentists.
Normal dental solutions have often included fixed and removable repairs, as well as orthodontics. In order to best serve our clients, we also provide dental devices such as analogs, regular and personalized abutments, transfers, and fittings. With the assistance of technology advancement, we will now continue to explore and expand new goods.
In order to maintain a consistent and reliable efficiency, Standard Dental Lab spends a lot on the new technology. We strive to rely least on human labor in all situations, so machines provide the most reliable performance and the highest accuracy, guaranteeing low remake rates. We still use internationally accepted fabrics to follow American and European standards.
面议山东 济南市
面议安徽 淮南市
面议江苏 南京市
¥2600.00/kg广东 广州市
面议河南 郑州市
面议江苏 盐城市
¥14.00/件河北 石家庄市
面议湖北 武汉市
面议江苏 盐城市
面议湖北 武汉市
面议河北 邢台市
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