Structural characteristics and forming principle of half pipe jacket of glass enamel reactor: the middle part of the half pipe jacket is the reactor body, the reactor body is lo
ngitudinally surrounded by the half pipe, and circulating cooling water is installed in the half pipe. The cross section of the half pipe is semicircular, and the body of enamel reactor is welded with the surrounding half pipe. The raw material of the half pipe is me
tal plate. The me
tal plate is transported forward through the array forming rollers (co
ncave cams) arranged in front and back. The rotation of co
ncave co
nvex wheels drives the me
tal plate to be transported forward, followed by transverse bending to form a semicircle, and then lo
ngitudinal bending to form a ring.
Advantages of half pipe jacketed glass lined reactor:
In terms of heat exchange, the ordinary standard jacketed glass lined reactor can obtain a larger heat exchange area, but the flow speed in the jacketed reactor is slow and the heat exchange efficiency is low, while the half tube jacketed glass lined reactor has a slightly smaller heat exchange area, but get faster flow speed and higher heat exchange efficiency.