最后更新2023-08-15 12:25
Lutron PVI 季胺化聚乙烯咪唑
PVI 优点︰
Lutron PVI is a cationic polymer which is used in the electronics industry in the
manufacture of printed circuit boards. It enables the walls of
through-holes to be homogeneously seeded with catalyst after they have
been drilled, which ensures that a uniform layer of electroless copper
can be applied. It can either be applied in the desmearing solution
itself or subsequently in a separate process. It is usually added to
concentrated desmearing solutions at a rate of 1 – 5 g/l.
Lutron PVI is also used to formulate brightener additives for the electroplating
industry. It acts as a basic brightener in alkaline zinc electrolytes,
and it is particularly effective for improving the adhesion of the
plated metal. It is usually employed at a concentration of 0.1– 2 g/l.
Lutron PVI
Physical form Clear, pale brown liquid
Concentration (ISO 3251, 1 h at 150 °C)--------43 – 45%
Iodine colour (DIN EN 1557)--------< 15
Viscosity (DIN 53018, Part 1)-------40 – 80 mPa · s
pH (ISO 976, 10 % solution)------4 – 5
The above information is correct at the time of going to press. It does not
necessarily form part of the product specification.
A detailed product specification is available from your local BASF
¥40.00/千克四川 成都市
¥6500.00/吨山东 济南市
面议四川 成都市
面议广东 广州市
¥28.00/公斤河北 石家庄市
面议湖北 孝感市
¥22.00/kg广东 广州市
¥600.00/1kg广东 广州市
面议广东 深圳市
面议江苏 扬州市
面议山东 烟台市
¥30.00/瓶广东 广州市
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