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bout-us.html">Shanxi Naipu import and Export Co.,ltd. dedicated to the development, production and marketing of chemicals which is specialized in Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Cosmetic Raw Materials, Food Additives & Veterinary Drug Intermediates.
For many years of hard working with high developed technology, we are doing great jobs in China, and ranked in the top level of manufacturing medicine-used pharmaceutical intermediates. High purity of products, good price, short time of delivery, quick response of service. We are the manufacturer, we have better price, we have large stock for delivery in short time. After-sale Service: We will supply flexible service ways, various service ways such as common sample free, online service, global exhibitions and meeting face to face will be accepted. Clients' satisfaction is our principle. Good reputation is our origin! More details about bout-us.html">Naipu, please click: https://www.sxnepu.com/ [详细介绍] |